What Your Earwax Says About Your Health
Earwax, also called cerumen, is a natural substance produced by the ear that plays an essential role in ear health. It protects the ear canal and eardrum by helping remove debris, foreign bodies and germs from penetrating deep into the ear. Earwax is self-regulating, meaning that natural motions from talking and chewing, as well as…
Try This Alternative Cough Treatment
Most people know honey as the delicious extra ingredient to add to a peanut butter sandwich. Many have also claimed other helpful properties of honey, including being a good source of antioxidants, having antibacterial and antifungal properties, healing wounds, providing phytonutrients and helping with digestive issues. One of the better-researched benefits of honey is its…
When Winter Is Mild, Start Your Allergy Routine Early
Whether the weather is warm or not, allergy season is fast approaching, and for many, it’s already here. There are lots of factors that can affect the severity of an allergy season. The weather throughout the rest of the year, especially during the winter, can have a major impact on the production of allergens. How…