What Causes the Popping Sensation in Your Ears on a Plane?
The popping sensation in your ears when you’re flying on a plane is the result of a condition called airplane ear. Airplane ear, so called because it is most common during take-off and landing, can be uncomfortable and range in severity. Let’s look at the causes and symptoms of airplane ear and what you can…
What Infections Cause Hearing Loss?
You know that advancing age and noise exposure can cause hearing loss, but did you know that certain infections can too? According to one review, “Typically, virus-induced hearing loss is sensorineural, although conductive and mixed hearing losses can be seen following infection with certain viruses.” Sensorineural hearing loss refers to hearing loss caused by nerve…
How Autoimmune Diseases May Play a Role in Your Hearing Health
Hearing loss isn’t just linked to old age and noise exposure; research shows that underlying conditions including autoimmune diseases are also linked to hearing loss. We review the connection below. What Are Autoimmune Diseases? The immune system’s job is to protect your body from diseases, viruses and infections. However, sometimes the immune system incorrectly identifies…
All You Need to Know About Ear Surgery
The surgical reshaping of the outer ear is known as otoplasty. There are many reasons a person may get an otoplasty, including congenital abnormality, damage from trauma or cosmetic appeal. Below we review the different types of ear surgery to correct prominent ears and what the recovery process is like. Types of Otoplasty There are…
How to Relieve Ear Pressure
Most of us have experienced ear pressure, or the sensation of fullness within the ear, especially if you’ve flown on an airplane, driven through the mountains or gone scuba diving. But do you know what causes this feeling? It’s your Eustachian tubes – or more specifically, a blockage of the Eustachian tubes. These tubes are…
How Serious Is a Ruptured Eardrum?
A ruptured eardrum, also known as a tympanic membrane perforation, is a tear or hole in the tissue that separates your ear canal from your middle ear. While ruptured eardrums can usually heal on their own within a few weeks, they sometimes require a patch or surgery to repair. Risks include hearing loss (either temporary…
Earlobe Reconstruction to Repair Stretched Lobes
Ear stretching, or gauging, has become popular over the past decade or two. The process of gauging involves placing larger and larger jewelry in the earlobes slowly over time. Who Gets Earlobe Reconstruction? “We have seen an increase [in requests for the procedure] — with the popularity of earrings that stretch the earlobe, the demographic…
Ear Tube FAQ
Ear infections are the number one reason children visit the doctor, and most kids have at least one infection by their third birthday. For children who experience middle ear infections – known medically as otitis media – that are resistant to treatment or continue to recur, ear tubes may be recommended. Placing ear tubes requires…
Treatment Options for Dizziness
Dizziness can have a variety of causes, and the best treatment is to identify and address the underlying trigger. If you’re suffering from dizziness, imbalance or vertigo, below are some of the treatment options available that could help you find relief. Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy The vestibular system in the inner ear is responsible for helping…
Can You Make Your Ears Roar?
Inside the ear is a small muscle called the tensor tympani. When this muscle is tensed, it causes a roaring or whooshing sound in the ear. Some people can contract this muscle voluntarily, causing an internal roaring sound. Anatomy of the Ear The middle ear is located between the eardrum and the inner ear. The…