Benefits of a Hearing Test
A study published in the journal Health Technology Assessment reports, “A simple systematic screen, using an audiometric screening instrument, has been shown to be acceptable to people in the age range 55-74 years, is likely to provide substantial benefit and may be cost-effective to those in that target group.” There are many other benefits to…
Tips for Wearing Hearing Aids and Glasses
Millions of people wear hearing aids, and even more wear glasses. As of 2021, there were 166.5 million US adults wearing prescription eyeglasses. What does this mean? That there are many, many people out there who need to wear both hearing aids and glasses. Whether you’re a long-time glasses-wearer who just got hearing aids or…
How to Make the Most of the Movie Theater with Hearing Loss
If you’ve developed hearing loss, you may believe that you can’t enjoy activities you love like you used to, such as going to the movies. Fortunately, this isn’t true at all – you just may need to do a little preparation or ask for some accommodations. Below we review tips for making the most of…
Surprising Features of Hearing Aids
Are you hesitant about getting your first set of hearing aids? If so, it may be because you remember the clunky devices your parents or grandparents wore. In reality, hearing aid technology has come a long way even in just the past few years, offering features that may surprise you. We review some of them…
Ways That Hearing Aids Can Help You at Work
Untreated hearing loss can complicate your life in many different ways. In addition to making it harder to hear, it can cause feelings of anxiety and depression and even increase your risk of cognitive decline. It also may affect your earning potential. A study published in 2016 found that controlling for other factors like “education,…
Hearing Aids Keep You Connected to Others
One of the biggest consequences of untreated hearing loss is that it makes it harder to communicate and socialize with others. Treating your hearing loss with hearing aids allows you to stay connected and keep your relationships with others strong. Hearing Loss Affects Your Confidence When Interacting with Others Hearing loss makes it much more…
How to Make the Most of This Summer with Hearing Aids
If you’re dealing with hearing loss this summer, you’re not alone; approximately 15% of American adults report some trouble hearing. Experiencing hearing loss doesn’t have to slow you down over summer. Follow our tips below to make the most of this summer with hearing aids. Keep Your Hearing Aids Dry There’s nothing more refreshing on…
A Tipping Point: How Hearing Aids Can Help with Balance
Many researchers believe that treating hearing loss with hearing aids could help reduce the risk of falls. In fact, one small study suggests that wearing hearing aids could help improve balance because we use sound information to help us with stability. We review more about this study below. About the Study The study, entitled “The…
What Are At-Home Sleep Studies?
If you visit a sleep specialist for problems related to falling asleep, staying asleep or feeling unrested after a “full” night’s sleep, they may prescribe a sleep study to learn more about the nature of your symptoms. Sleep studies may be conducted in the doctor’s office, but at-home sleep studies are becoming increasingly popular. What…
How Helpful Are Hearing Aid Apps?
Whether you’re trying to shop online, record the distance of a run or find a new recipe to try out, there’s an app for that. You may be surprised to learn that there are even apps for hearing aids. Below is an overview of what types of hearing apps are available and what helpful features…